Inside IBM EDA: 50 years of innovations
研究領域 (Research Focuses):
本實驗室創立於1995年,研究領域著重在IC(即晶片或積體電路)設計自動化工具之開發,這領域也稱電子設計自動化(Electronic-DesignAutomation,簡稱EDA)。由於半導體技術進步神速,舉凡日常生活所使用的資訊科技產品如電腦、手機、電視、照相機、攝影機、手持裝置等,所使用之晶片無一不仰賴IC設計自動化工具來完成,由此可見IC設計自動化工具的重要性與實用性。也因如此這個領域被教育部列為重點培植的領域之一。 IC設計自動化工具是一種軟體,這種軟體能協助解決IC設計、分析、驗證、製造與測試所遭遇到的問題,這些問題主要是由於不斷提升的設計複雜度所造成的,設計的複雜度與IC中的邏輯閘個數成正比,複雜度一高,設計的優化、分析、驗證與測試都變得非常困難,因此IC設計自動化的研究重點就是要開發有效率之演算法(Algorithm)與資料結構來加速設計工作與優化所設計的IC。IC設計的優化能增加IC的操作頻率(比如說從3GHz增至4GHz),減少功率的消耗、降低晶片的面積等等,每一項優化都可大大的提升產品的競爭力,增加營業獲利。
[1] [2] [3]
This lab, established in 1995, focuses on developing algorithms (software) and methodologies for Electronic Design Automation (EDA) of integrated circuits (or Computer-Aided VLSI Design). Due to the dramatic advancement of semiconductor
technologies, millions of logic gates can be placed just only in one chip. This enables us to design very powerful servers for cloud computing and networking and a variety of terminal products such as desktop PCs, 3D TV, mobile
phones, tablet PCs, notebooks, video cameras, digital cameras, etc. One of the enabling technologies of designing chips for these products is Electronic Design Automation (EDA). EDA software (tools) can be used to solve the problems
encountered during synthesizing, analyzing, verifying and testing a design. We are seeking more powerful algorithms for solving these problems to minimize chip size and power consumption while optimizing chip performance. Currently,
we especially focus on developing algorithms and methodologies for low-power, timing performance, and manufacturing yield optimization.
我適合從事IC設計自動化的研究嗎? (Am I capable of conducting research in EDA area?)
[3] [4]
You can conduct EDA research as long as your background is in computer science and engineering, mathematics, information management, electrical engineering, electronics, physics, chemistry, industrial engineering and management, etc. Mainly you should be able to write some programs. Hardware background such as electronics, circuit theory, logic (digital system) design, computer organization and architecture are useful but not necessary. Hence, if your undergraduate major is in computer science and engineering, EDA research is a good choice for your graduate study. Certainly, if you are really interested in this fantastical area, your background does not mean a lot. In this department, we have enough courses to orient and lead you into this research area. So don’t worry about what you learned before but think about what you will learn in the future. EDA is your right choice. It is challenging and rewarding.
IC設計自動化之出路為何?(Who will hire me?)
IC design and manufacturing is one of the most important yet flourishing industries in Taiwan and major developed countries such as USA, Japan, South Korea, countries in Europe, etc. Hence, you will have plenty of chances to work for
a high-tech company in Taiwan and abroad. Basically, the places you can go are as follows:
- EDA companies such as SprintSoft (located at Taiwan), Cadence, Synopsys, Mentor Graphics, etc.
- IC (integrated circuit) design companies such as Media Tek, MStar, RealTek, etc. located in Taiwan and Qualcomm, ARM, Broadcom, etc. There are more than 200 IC design companies in Taiwan.
- Big companies such as IBM, Intel, Cisco, Apple, Xilinx, Altera, etc.
- Foundries such as TSMC, UMC, etc.
- IC design service companies such as Faraday Technology, Global UniChip, etc.
- Consultants, teachers, and many others
EDA is a challenging yet rewarding area. We sincerely welcome you to join us
[1] Design Automation for Integrated Circuits
[2] Electronic Design Automation Past, Present, and Future
[3] Electronic Design Automation: Evolution, Education, and Profession
[4] 看研發人才趨勢 聰明認真還不夠、期許真正實踐創新真義